Today, those feelings linger. I have been crying off and on all morning. I miss my husband. I am so sad that he is gone. I know he is in a better place, and I know he is happy and healthy now. Still, the remembering is so painful. We had our share of rocky times...more than our share. Still, I have so many wonderful memories of Bob.
I remember him in the kitchen on Sunday mornings. He would wake up before me and make me breakfast. He would be in the kitchen frying bacon and eggs. I can see him clearly as he smiles and says, "Hi Honey. I made you some breakfast!"
I remember his laugh. It was contagious. He could always make me smile when I was feeling low.
I remember going for walks together at the park. Sometimes we would just sit on the bench and hold hands and talk. Sometimes we would play basketball together.
We would dance together in the living room. Sometimes we would dance without music.