Monday, September 29, 2014

Thanksgiving Shopping and the Retail Employee

It is still September, and already stores are gearing up for the holidays.  And as someone who works in a retail environment, this is nothing but a reminder that the most dreaded time of year for retail employees is fast approaching.

Last year most stores were open on Thanksgiving.  Stores will do anything to drive sales, just as long as customers are willing to shop.  And shop they did!  I personally can't imagine going shopping on Thanksgiving Day.  In my mind, Thanksgiving is all about spending the day with family at home, relaxing, cooking and eating a yummy dinner, watching the parades and football.  But shopping? Never.

Already retail workers are being given a "heads up" as to the holiday pay incentives they will receive for working over the holidays.  Personally, I would gladly give up time and a half or an extra dollar an hour just to be able to spend the day with my family.  Even if they paid me triple time and a half I had rather spend the day with my family.  But that's just me.

I would ask any of you who plan to shop til you drop on Thanksgiving at least think twice about it.  Family holidays are sacred and times that family memories are made of.  Also, for every dollar you spend, there is a retail worker who could be spending Thanksgiving with his or her family.  If you still choose to shop, remember to treat those who serve you with courtesy and respect.  We really don't want to be working on Thanksgiving Day, but still make every effort to provide excellent service. A smile and a thank you will go a very long way.