Have you ever had a moment in your life that is so unusual, surprising, or coincidental that it makes you wonder if life or God is trying to send you some kind of message? I had one of those moments this morning. I suppose you could call it a moment of serendipity, because I believe it happened to force me to improve something in regard to my writing and my life.
Being a writer, I have journals and books filled with poems, essays, stories all over my house. I'm not very good at keeping them in any particular order, and this morning is proof of that. I have recently completed two poetry journals, and was in search of a notebook with blank pages. I try and write at least one poem every day, and need something to write them in.
I happened to find an old journal that was unused except for one poem. I didn't bother to read it, but know it was written quite a few months ago because it was buried in the bottom of this canvas bag I keep some of my journals in. I immediately turned to the first blank page and began to write my new poem.
After I was finished writing the poem, I decided to read the first poem in the journal to see what it was and if I could remember writing it. When I got to the last three lines of the poem
"to fulfill a yearning
deeper than any
I have ever known"
I could hardly believe what I was reading. The last three lines of that poem were exactly the same as the last three lines of the poem I had just written.
Coincidence? Or perhaps it is a message that I need to broaden my views as well as my vocabulary. The poems were about two entirely different subject matters. The one I wrote this morning was about missing my dear husband. The one I wrote a long time ago was about risking everything to follow my dreams.
Perhaps it is just a message to demonstrate how what we yearn for may change as we ourselves change and grow. Our yearnings are appropriate at the time, and just because they may change does not diminish their importance at the time we felt them.
Perhaps I just over think things...
Photo by Cheryl Williams (2014)
Friday, November 28, 2014
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
What I Am Thankful For
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and I've been reflecting this morning on the things in my life I am thankful for. It can be easy to get lost in the disarray within our lives, and sometimes we forget to just thank God for what is wonderful in our lives.
Today I am thankful for:
my family
my health
my friends
a roof over my head
food to eat
my job
the peace in my life
the changing of the seasons
my talents
unexpected blessings from God
strength and calm during duress
the publishing of my novel
the beauty of nature
Our lives are never perfect while on this earth, but there is so much to be thankful for. If we dwell on that rather than the negative things, life will look much brighter. I pray that everyone reading this has a blessed Thanksgiving....:)
Photo by Cheryl A. Williams
Today I am thankful for:
my family
my health
my friends
a roof over my head
food to eat
my job
the peace in my life
the changing of the seasons
my talents

unexpected blessings from God
strength and calm during duress
the publishing of my novel
the beauty of nature
Our lives are never perfect while on this earth, but there is so much to be thankful for. If we dwell on that rather than the negative things, life will look much brighter. I pray that everyone reading this has a blessed Thanksgiving....:)
Photo by Cheryl A. Williams
Saturday, November 22, 2014
The Power of Words
Words are powerful.
They can signify either a beginning or an end. They can evoke anger, tears, or joy. Words can make us question, investigate, and
come to conclusions. The power of words
cannot be ignored.
There is an old saying, “Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me.” This is so untrue. Words can and do hurt. Ask any overweight child who has to go to
school each day and hear other students call him “fatty”. Ask any handicapped child who is ruthlessly
called a “retard”. Ask any person who
has been the brunt of racial slurs. Ask
any person who has been called “worthless” by an intimate partner.
I remember as a child being called a “dummy” by my father whenever he tried to
help me with my Math homework. I was an
excellent English student, but Math was just never easy for me. Still, I gave up even trying. His words sank deep inside of me. I was too afraid of trying, failing, and
looking dumb. All of my life I have
stayed away from any kind of job which might require Math skills. All because of one word that was etched into
my soul.
Words can also have a powerful positive impact on
people. They can inspire, motivate, and make
a person feel loved and appreciated. In
high school, one of English teachers was always telling me what a good writer I
was. He encouraged me to submit my
stories and keep writing. He was always
helpful and encouraging. Because of this
I continued on my writing path. To date,
I have published numerous short stories, poems, and articles in various
magazines, e-zines, and anthologies. I
have three books available on Amazon.com.
If not for my teacher’s positive words of encouragement, I would not be
at the place where I now am.
Think before you speak.
Your words are like little blessings or curses that flow out of your
mouth, impacting those around you. May your
words always be words that positively impact those around you.
Be sure and check out my YA novel, “Alone
in the Crowd”. Skylar Nobles is a
teenage girl who has been hurt by words.
Her story will touch you.
Photo by Cheryl A. Williams
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
A Sad Goodbye to the Characters I Created
As I come to the end of publication of my YA novel, "Alone in the Crowd", I feel a sense of satisfaction. I also feel a sense of sadness. I never expected when I wrote the novel that I would feel such a close connection with the main characters in the book. I never expected that I would come to love them, nor did I expect to feel sad when the writing was done. It was like saying goodbye to good friends.
The book is for teenage girls, but could easily be read by any woman who has ever felt rejected or been bullied for not living up to someone else's expectations. There are lessons in the book for daughters, sisters, mothers, fathers, and friends. There are lessons for bullying victims as well as the bullies. Sometimes one might ponder who the actual bullies are. At what point does the victim, in the midst of self-defense, turn into a bully too?
"Alone in the Crowd" would also make a great read for a book club or for a classroom. It offers many topics that would be great discussion topics.
In reading the story of Skylar Nobles, chances are you will get a glimpse of either yourself or someone that you know. I know that I did.
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