I've been thinking a lot lately about miracles. Some people believe in them. Others don't. I have to admit that I'm a believer. Not only have I witnessed several miracles, I have heard eyewitness accounts of miracles that have no other other explanation.
There are a lot of miracles in the Bible. Jesus healed lepers, the blind, the crippled, the demon-possessed. His first miracle was turning water into wine, He also turned a few loaves and fishes into enough to feed thousands and still have more left over. He brought Lazarus back to life after he had been dead in the tomb for several days. Still, in our humanity, there is something about us that makes us skeptical. Why is it easier for us to look for a scientific explanation rather than look to an Almighty God who created the universe and everything in it? Why is it so difficult for us to believe that an omnipotent Father could love us enough to perform a miracle in our lives?
Personally, I think it all comes down to the negativity of the society that we live in. We are constantly bombarded with the negative. If you don't believe me, turn on the news or flip through the channels. Listen to the music on the radio. Peruse social media. The world is a scary place if that is what we choose to focus on.
The truth is that the media fill us with propaganda the same way that North Korea fills its citizens with propaganda. It is a different kind of propaganda, but the effect is much the same. We are taught to live in fear and distrust as a means of supporting decisions our government makes that we might otherwise disagree with. The government is becoming more and more intrusive in our lives.
The more we depend on our government, the less we depend on God. The more we wait for the government to make our lives better, the less we depend on God's helping hand. As for miracles, they seem like more of a fairy tale.
The truth is that miracles are happening every day in countries all over the world. The mainstream press never reports on them, however.
I have personally been physically healed after praying for God's healing hand. I saw my daughter and my son physically healed as babies after my husband and I prayed. I saw my 2 year old daughter snatched from certain death by an "angel" who was there one moment, and gone in the blink of an eye. I have heard eyewitness accounts of terminal cancer being healed, and of addictions being healed. I have heard eyewitness accounts of God's protection in the face of certain death. I have heard eyewitness accounts of terrorists giving their hearts to the Lord after witnessing the Christian courage of prisoners who had the conviction to witness to their captors in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Think about your own life. Do you believe in miracles? I mean....truly believe? Perhaps it is time to expand your faith in God, and ask, expecting to receive. Does God always answer the way we would like for Him to? No. God sees the big picture that we do not see. We can rest assured in the fact that His answer is always the best...even if we many not see it right away.
Cheryl A. Williams, 2014