This morning I woke up feeling a bit down. I have so much on my plate right now with work, writing, family, and just trying to find the time to do the everyday things like chores, paying bills, etc. I'm also trying to exercise every day. For me, exercise is what I usually put on the backburner, and that has definitely not served me well over the past 57 years. So this morning, I decided to go walk
I always walk listening to music. About a month ago, I traded in my top 40 playlist for a contemporary Christian playlist, and I am loving it. I can walk and be uplifted at the same time. So this morning, I fought the little voice that told me to put walking on the back burner. I put on my Christian playlist and set out for a nice hour long walk.
It was so gorgeous outside. The sun was beaming down and a cool breeze was blowing. I didn't want to stop even at the end of the hour.
Sometimes when I walk, I start thinking about my dear husband, Bob...who passed away two years ago. I know he is in Heaven, and I look to the sky a lot, wondering what it is like in Heaven. I wonder if he has any awareness of me at all as I continue to walk this earth. Sometimes I ask for a sign...from God...or Bob. I don't really know why, other than it delights me when I get the sign I asked for. Sometimes I ask for a bird to sing to me....(Bob loved birds). One day I was walking and made this simple request. A little bird landed on a telephone pole right in front of me and started singing its little heart out. I stood there and listened with a smile on my face.
Today, I was looking at all of the beautiful white puffy clouds in the sky. I told God it would be really cool if I could see a heart in those clouds. I kept walking, and walking. Every once in awhile I would look up in the sky to see if I could see a heart. As I was ending my walk, I looked up in the sky, and I saw the most enormous heart...all made out of one giant white puffy cloud. It was so neat, and put a huge smile on my face. The heart shape was so huge I could only capture a part of it...but it gives you an idea of how big this heart was.
Well...God's love is even more enormous than this heart. His love cannot be measured. I wish I could persuade every person on this earth who does not have a personal relationship with God to open their hearts to Him. Your entire life will change for the better...and it will be an adventure filled with joy, love, hope, and one surprise after another.
Here's the bottom part of my heart cloud....
Photo by Cheryl Williams, 2014
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