Saturday, March 22, 2014

"Heaven is Real" Will Make You Believe

I just got through reading the book "Heaven is Real" by Todd Burpo.  This is a true account of a 4 year old boy's trip to Heaven while he was very sick in the hospital.  All I can say is this.  If you are a skeptic when it comes to God, Jesus, and this book.

I have a lot of Heaven skeptics in my life..."Doubting Thomas" people who want proof before they believe. They also claim to be very open minded.  If that is the case I challenge them to read "Heaven is Real."  I'm a believer, and it totally renewed everything I already believe.

God has always chosen to reveal Himself in mysterious ways, and at times through people we would never expect.  In this book, God chooses to reveal Himself through the eyes and ears of a four year old little innocent child who has not been scarred by life or filled with preconceived notions about God and Heaven.

I won't spoil it for you by telling you any of the details.  I want you to sit there with your mouth hanging open and tears in your eyes the same way I was when I read the book.  And if you aren't a reader, the book is coming out in a movie around Easter time.  So go see that.  Just be ready to have your current unbelief challenged in an astronomical way.
Photo by Cheryl A. Williams, 2014

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