Friday, March 21, 2014


Have you ever had a secret?  Most of the time we keep secrets because we are either ashamed of something, we don't want to expose someone else's secret, or we want to surprise someone at a later time.

Secrets aren't necessarily bad, but the ones that are shame-based are very destructive.  Take Skylar Nobles, for example.  She has a deep dark secret.  Not only does this secret keep her at a distance from family and friends, her secret feeds upon itself.  Skylar is a binge eater. The more she binges, the more ashamed she feels, and the more she eats.  It is a revolving door that she cannot seem to escape from.  She wants dcsperately to fit in with the other girls at school. but deep down she knows she is different.

Can you relate to Skylar?  Even if you don't binge eat, is there something that you cling desperately to as a means of coping with the world?  If so, then Skylar's story is one for you to read.  Keep your eyes open for the publication......It will be on Amazon in the upcoming weeks.  It just might change the way you view yourself and your own secrets.

Photo by Cheryl A. Williams, 2013


  1. Wonderful photograph.
    Did you write the story about Skylar?

    1. Yes, Jay... I wrote the story about Skylar, and it will be out in the coming weeks.
