Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Mother/Son God Debate

As of late, I have been in a constant debate with my dear son over the existence of God.  Even though he was raised in a Christian home, he has decided that he needs scientific proof of God's existence as well as answers from God as to why he has done all of the things he has done since the beginning of time.

This is a daunting task for me.  As a Christian, I believe 100% in the existence of God.  I don't believe for any  reason  other than He has revealed Himself to me over various situations I have gone through in my life.  Not only that, His Spirit resides in my heart.  I am a changed woman because of Him.  Now, my son would say this change came about because of my inner power.  No.  This change came about because I realized how powerless I was to change my life.  In my weakness, God showed me His strength.

I cannot prove the existence of God.  This will make my son say "Aha! I told you so!"  For that, I am sad.  I wish I could prove God's existence because I love my son with all of my heart.  But what is proof to me is not the kind of proof my son desires.  He wants some kind of God DNA or something.  All I have is for proof is the beauty of Creation, the grand design that is apparent in every single living thing that exists, the miracles I have witnessed, and the lives completely transformed in the name of Jesus Christ. But for all of these things, my son has other explanations that do not point to God.

So what am I to do?  Pray.  I do believe in the power of prayer.  And I do know that if my son ever does turn to God, He will have one of the strongest advocates He has ever had.  For my son will be fierce in his belief and his love for the God that he so diligently searched for and tried to disprove.

                                                             Cheryl A. Williams, 2013

1 comment:

  1. Mom, you are not giving yourself enough credit. You are a strong and loving woman and are capable of anything. I would argue that you did everything to get to where you are not, because there isn’t any other proof otherwise. Think of all of the things in your life that you require actual reason and critical thinking to perform. What else in this world do you take on faith alone? Are you going to leave your doors open at night and take it on faith that nobody is going to come in, are you going to leave your car windows down and the keys inside and take it on faith that nobody will break in? Do you take it on faith that the bank has all of your money? Or do you constantly check a website and app on your phone to see the actual numbers…? You were worried the other day about giving your card number to a stranger on the phone…? Why? Just have faith that that person isn’t going to steal it or use it maliciously. I’m sure you will say none of these compare to faith in Christ or God...and you are right, they don’t… They are far more trivial than the belief to where your eternal soul will reside… yet none of the trivial things you take on faith… you need proof for all of it. Proof for how much money is in the back, proof that doors are locked, proof that nobody is going to steal your credit info… all of these things mean nothing compared to your soul… yet that you take on faith alone.

    Mom I have an interesting proposition for you and assignment for your blog here… and you can write about your findings. If your faith is truly right then you shouldn’t have any problem completing it.

    As a believer test Christianity with the same skeptical standards you use to evaluate the other faiths that you reject. For example, you don’t believe in Hinduism…. why? Why don’t you believe in this? Use that same logic and apply it to Christianity, I will be curious to see what you come up with.

    love you mom!
    Rob Williams
