Sunday, October 11, 2015

Saying Goodbye to Pride

I’ve had a revelation recently about my life.  It wasn’t a revelation that was easy to acknowledge, but it was one that was important for me to hear. 

All of my life I have struggled with self-esteem.  This was brought on from the time I was a little girl who was chubby and wore glasses to when I was a teenager, sexually abused for many years. Later, it manifested itself into becoming a victim of emotional and verbal abuse.

For all of those years, I was a Christian.  God helped see me through some very dark days, and helped me turn those bad times into something positive for Him.  Part of it involved hands-on work of helping others.  Much of that was done in the form of writing as a means of helping others.

Somewhere along the way, however, I lost track of the true reason I was writing.  It became more about my own selfish pride than it did about glorifying God.  It became more about being able to say “I’m a writer”, or I’m an author” than it did about anything else.

When my kids were growing up, I remember people looking at me with disdain when I told them I was a stay-at-home mom and homemaker.  I might as well of told them I had leprosy for the comments and looks I received.  That is when I decided to take a writing course. After all, I had always loved writing as a hobby. The writing course opened the door for me to get published in various magazines and anthologies.  Suddenly, when asked my occupation, I could say “writer” instead of stay-at-home mom.  (It didn’t matter that the money I made was miniscule).  I finally had an acceptable “title”, and nobody knew my income other than myself.  People began looking at me as if I was an interesting person rather than a nobody.

I started off writing children’s stories and poems for a Christian publication.  It didn’t take long, however, until I became very prideful.  It became less and less about helping others and glorifying God and much more about trying to make money and pump up my self-esteem.  My Christian writing soon turned into any kind of writing, as long as I could make some money, add to my list of published work, and get a few pats on the back.  The more of my work I sold, the more encouraged I became.  I even wrote things that went against my Christianity if it meant getting one more item on my list of published works. 

I also had three different columns for an online news source which required a minimum number of articles be written each month.  I did find this fulfilling because my columns were the kind in which I could give relationship advice and write positive things to inspire others.  After awhile, though…this became more about having a title rather than the actual writing itself. 

During this time, I also wrote a YA novel which was actually a true labor of love.  I wrote it with the intention of perhaps helping some teenage girl readers who might struggle with weight and self-esteem issues.  It also had a theme of bullying, which I considered very relevant to the times.  When I finally got my book published, I felt so fulfilled.  I had worked on it for years, and now I could actually hold in my hands the result of all of my hard work.  It didn’t take me long, however, for me to feel that pride come back into my heart. 

It was during this time that I came to my realization that I had been using the titles of “writer” or “author” as an excuse to avoid who I really am.  I work in a café.  By being a writer, I could avoid telling people the truth.  It’s not that I’m ashamed to work in a café.  It is just the fact that I know I have more potential than that.  I have a degree.  I have lots of experience in human services.  I have used my “writer” status as a way to live in denial that there is so much more I could (and should) be doing with my life.

I also came to the realization that I have needed a “title” to overcome the feelings of unworthiness that have haunted me since childhood.  I knew that in order to see myself as God sees me, I would have to strip away my titles as well as my pride.

I feel a calling to serve God, and I truly believe my writing is one of the ways I can do that.  So I got rid of everything I have written that is not in keeping with my beliefs.  I also got rid of the titles that were making me prideful.  I have absolutely nothing to be prideful about.  I am a child of God, and every single thing I have comes from Him.  All of my talents come from Him.  He loves me regardless of whether I’m a café worker or an author.

I haven’t written much lately.  I’m waiting…and praying.  I know that God is calling me to something, and I am listening to find out what it is..even if it means remaining a cafe worker. Until I find out exactly what that is, I am slowly shedding my pride…one layer at a time. I do know that when I start writing again, it will be for God's glory...not my own.
                                                        Cheryl Williams, 2013

Friday, October 2, 2015

Are Guns Really to Blame?

There has been another school shooting.  It seems like it is becoming commonplace in America.  So the outcry begins for gun control as if the gun walks itself into a school and begins firing all on its own.  How American it is to want to put a band-aid on an issue that is much deeper.  Somehow we think that if we get rid of guns, the people behind the guns will disappear as well.

How naïve we are.  The real issue is what causes a human being to pick up a weapon and want to go and shoot a multitude of people?   What is it about our society that produces these individuals?

I have a few suggestions:

-Mental illness.  Sadly, our society still stigmatizes anyone with a mental illness.  Who wants to get help for their mental illness if there is a chance it will affect their livelihood or their relationships with family, friends, and society?

A society that puts more faith in possessions than in God.  We are a culture of the biggest and the best, and we seem to place that over our relationship with God. Our society is morally bankrupt.

Families that seldom spend quality time together.  Few families have dinner together or spend true quality time together anymore.  We are a culture of technological devices, and we are addicted.  Parents are just as addicted as their children are.  Parents let the devices do the babysitting, and feel safe because they at least know where their children are.  Parents miss a lot by not interacting with their children on a personal level.  They may miss those warning signs that signal their child may need help.

A culture of bullying in our schools.  Kids can be incredibly cruel.  These days bullying takes place not only at school, but also on social media.  Not enough attention is being paid to the bullying culture that is in our schools.  More needs to be done.

Young people that have a sense of entitlement.  Many young people today have a sense of entitlement that tends to make them believe good things should just be handed to them rather than worked for.  When things don’t go their way…they can have a meltdown.

The lack of involvement with neighbors.  When we know our neighbors, we gain an awareness of our environment.  It we are living next to someone who seems to be a ticking time bomb, there are ways to make authorities aware.  Better to make a mistake than to ignore the behavior and find that your neighbor shot up a school.  Don’t be afraid to voice your concerns. You could save many lives as a result.

As for guns?  They are a right in America.  Every American of legal age has the right to legally carry a gun and protect themselves.  Should there be restrictions?  Of course.  There should be restrictions based on age and a criminal or mental health background.  Guns are not the problem, however.  People are the problem.

We need to stop trying to slap band-aids on the real issues that we, as a society, seem too scared to face.  Only then will the school shootings and the church massacres lessen.  Even if guns were completely unavailable, a person bent on killing others would find a way….thanks to the Internet.

It is time we all open our eyes.  

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Hinduism vs. Christianity

Reading about different religions is proving to be very informative.  I know a little about the other religions, but further investigation has revealed more information about them which is interesting.  It is a daunting task to try and look at other religions objectively when I am very strong in my Christian faith, so my views may not be totally objective.  I will do the best I can, however….in my analyzation of each religion.  First I will speak of Hinduism...

Notes about Hinduism:

Each person’s reality is different
If a person’s reality does not lead to happiness, it must be abandoned
God changes and adapts to circumstances
No absolute truth
Duhkha…bad space
Brahman…the Godhead, who we are to know intimately
The differential between expectations and outcomes will determine one’s amount of earthly suffering
Pleasure and Pain are very interconnected
Spiritual ignorance is the source of unhappiness
God responds to each individual based on his needs, personality, etc.
Each person may find the Truth in a different way…through study, experience, or logic.
All creation  has a soul
Reincarnation and transmigration

Religion…to be experienced
Science…to be proven
 For a religion to be reconciled with science it needs to fulfill three requirements:— 1. It must accept all proven scientific facts as true. 2. It must reject any view which is contradicted by science. 3. Its beliefs must be based on observation, logic and experience.

In studying Hinduism, I found many similarities to the Christian religion that I agree with. The biggest one is that they believe in a Godhead, who we are to know intimately. I agree that God responds to each individual based on his needs, personality, etc.  He knows our circumstances and what leads us to believe or disbelieve.  He knows what drives our actions, and His mercy is unfailing.  I also agree that pleasure and pain are interconnected.  To appreciate pleasure, one must recognize what pain is.  To feel pain, one must have experienced pleasure.  I also agree that spiritual ignorance is the source of unhappiness.  The history of Hinduism shows that from the very beginning there has been a quest for intimacy with God.  I agree with this as well.

I disagree that there is there is no such thing as absolute truth.  For those who believe in science, there is absolute truth.  In the spiritual realm, I believe there is also absolute truth.  I do not believe, as the Hindus do…that God adapts and changes according to circumstances.  I believe that God is unchanging.  He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  He is like a rock, and a solid foundation on which to stand.

I do agree that every person has a reality that is based on his own experiences and circumstances.  The Hindus believe that if a person’s reality does not lead to happiness it must be abandoned.  I disagree with this in that I do not believe happiness on this earth is our ultimate goal.  I believe sharing the love of God with others is our ultimate goal.  Whereas that might make us spiritually happy, it does not necessarily mean that everything else in our lives is happy.

I believe that people may be led to the Truth in various ways, but I believe there is only one Truth.  I believe, as the Hindus, that they may be led by personal experience, personal study, or logic.

I do not believe that all of creation has a soul.  God set man apart, and created us in His image.  We have the knowledge of right and wrong written upon our hearts.  We have a conscience, unlike a tree or a rock.  We do not merely exist.  We were created to care for the other life on earth and to love God.  

I do not believe in reincarnation or transmigration.  This is where I cannot help but be biased in my belief.  I believe God’s plan paved the way for us to have eternal life through his son Jesus Christ.  I do not have to earn my way to Heaven or be born into other lives until I reach perfection.  My perfection was born on the cross when Jesus died for me.

Christianity is not the oldest religion…true.  That does not, however, make it wrong.  All religions have in common the searching for something more.  There is an innate sense that there is something greater than who we are. I believe that God put that desire in our hearts for intimacy with Him.

Christianity is the only religion where God came to earth in human form.  Not only this, this human, Jesus Christ, took our sins so that we might have eternal life.  Jesus said He was the Messiah.  This makes him either a lunatic, a liar, or the Son of God.  Enough people believed in Him to martyr themselves over the years.  He did miracles, and had many witnesses to those miracles.  Not only did he bring people back to life, He himself rose from the dead and ascended into Heaven.  From Heaven, He continues to heal and transform lives every day.  The life of Jesus fulfills the prophecies that were foretold thousands of years before His birth...and it all came about as the prophecies said that it would.

As far as the method goes to reconcile religion with science…
-I believe scientific facts are true.  (Saying “there is no God is not a fact because nobody can prove the non-existence of God)  I also believe that Science and the existence of God do not contradict each other.
-Again…science cannot contradict something that cannot be proven…and there is no God DNA.
-My beliefs are based on:
-Observation (creation, miracles, and life transformations in the name of Jesus Christ)…
-Logic(Jesus Christ said he was the Messiah…and He also healed people, loved people, and brought people back to life.  A lunatic or a liar would not logically be so loving as to do those things, yet lie about who he is.  Therefore His claim must be true.)…

-Experience ( I have personally received Jesus into my heart…experienced His miracles firsthand, and experienced his restoration, peace, and love…and I have seen the changes in my life as a result).

The God Challenge

So my dear son, Rob, has challenged me and given me an assignment:

 “Mom I have an interesting proposition for you and assignment for your blog here… and you can write about your findings. If your faith is truly right then you shouldn’t have any problem completing it. 

As a believer test Christianity with the same skeptical standards you use to evaluate the other faiths that you reject. For example, you don’t believe in Hinduism…. why? Why don’t you believe in this? Use that same logic and apply it to Christianity, I will be curious to see what you come up with”

I have accepted his challenge …more to come...

                                                           Cheryl A. Williams 2014

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Mother/Son God Debate

As of late, I have been in a constant debate with my dear son over the existence of God.  Even though he was raised in a Christian home, he has decided that he needs scientific proof of God's existence as well as answers from God as to why he has done all of the things he has done since the beginning of time.

This is a daunting task for me.  As a Christian, I believe 100% in the existence of God.  I don't believe for any  reason  other than He has revealed Himself to me over various situations I have gone through in my life.  Not only that, His Spirit resides in my heart.  I am a changed woman because of Him.  Now, my son would say this change came about because of my inner power.  No.  This change came about because I realized how powerless I was to change my life.  In my weakness, God showed me His strength.

I cannot prove the existence of God.  This will make my son say "Aha! I told you so!"  For that, I am sad.  I wish I could prove God's existence because I love my son with all of my heart.  But what is proof to me is not the kind of proof my son desires.  He wants some kind of God DNA or something.  All I have is for proof is the beauty of Creation, the grand design that is apparent in every single living thing that exists, the miracles I have witnessed, and the lives completely transformed in the name of Jesus Christ. But for all of these things, my son has other explanations that do not point to God.

So what am I to do?  Pray.  I do believe in the power of prayer.  And I do know that if my son ever does turn to God, He will have one of the strongest advocates He has ever had.  For my son will be fierce in his belief and his love for the God that he so diligently searched for and tried to disprove.

                                                             Cheryl A. Williams, 2013

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Thin Line that Separates Church and State

Is is becoming increasingly apparent that the line that separates church and state is slowly disappearing.  It's a scary world we are living in.  We are living in a world with no boundaries...a world filled with hate and bigotry, a world where anything goes, a world where people who have deep religious beliefs are being persecuted...and even killed.  Government is slowly encroaching more and more into the lives of people, taking away our freedoms and taking away our independence. This is not really a surprise to anyone who serves God.  It is predicted in the Bible as something that will happen before the return of the Lord.

As Christians, it is important to not only love one another, but to stand up for what we believe.  There must be a balance, for one without the other will lose in this battle that is currently ensuing.  The enemy has no other desire other than to "steal, kill, and destroy"...and unless we, as Christians stand up to this evil, it will only spread. Our religious freedom is at risk here in the "land of the free and the home of the brave".  This nation "under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all" is slowly disappearing.

Are you willing to stand up for what you believe?
                                                         Cheryl A, Williams, 2014

Saturday, May 23, 2015

A Moment in Time

For a moment in time,
On that spring evening
When the sun’s fading light
Was casting shadows
On the green, I thought
I was imagining
Those huge doe eyes
Staring directly at me,
No fear in them, but rather
A sense of curiosity and wonder.
We stared at one another
With equal surprise,
Waiting in the stillness
As songbirds trilled,
And cicadas hummed,
And the scent of magnolia blossoms
Filled the air.
I gently pressed the shutter button
And in that instant, our connection ended.
You leaped into the woods
As trust was broken
And our moment together was recorded.

                                                           Cheryl Williams (2015)

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Conquering My God Complex

I have always considered myself to be someone who was put on this earth to serve others in some capacity.  That is where I find the most fulfillment.

I have to also admit that it can be hard to remember that I am merely a servant of Him who put me on this earth.  All gifts I offer to others come directly through Him.  Sometimes he has to remind me of that, and it can be a rather harsh awakening.  I hear His still, small voice whisper to me, “Cheryl, you are not God.  I am.”  I usually hear this voice when circumstances are preventing me from helping someone the way I would like to or when circumstances are not  going the way I think they should be.  When the unfairness of life is smacking me in the face, and I am feeling out of control, that is when I realize that I cannot give beyond my time and resources.  This is when I realize, I am not God.

A person I know recently reminded me that when I try to control people and situations, even if it is for a good cause, that I am closing the door on God.  I am, in a sense, telling Him “I don’t need you.  I can do this myself.”  Sometimes the best thing we can do for others is simply “Let go and let God.”

I think of all of the life lessons that I have learned so far in my life, and they have all been the result of the lessons God has taught me.  When I step in trying to save the world by controlling and manipulating situations, I am preventing God from teaching these people valuable lessons that need to be taught.  It can be painful to watch, especially if it is someone you love.  But all of those old clichés are true.  The rainbow really does come after the rain.

When I lost my husband of 33 years, I was faced with some tough, life-changing decisions.  This was hard for me because I was not accustomed to making these kinds of decisions. I had always been the homemaker, the stay-at-home mom, the nurturer.  He was the one who took care of all of the finances.  My self-esteem was low.  My self-confidence was non-existent. 

Suddenly I was faced with cleaning out the home we had lived in for 30 years and selling it.  I was faced with worrying about funeral expenses in the midst of mind-numbing grief.  I was faced with finding a job with benefits after years of working part-time.  I was scared and I was feeling very hopeless.  I was feeling out-of-control when I had no choice other than to be in control.  In the midst of that “control”, however, I realized that I could not do it alone. When I realized that there was nobody who could “save” me from my circumstances, I cried out to God. 

He has never let me down.  Three years later, my circumstances have changed.  I have a job.  I have benefits. I got out of debt. I am paying rent and my own bills.  I bought a car and have no payments.  I have a 401K.  I have published three books, including my novel “Alone in the Crowd”.  I have lost 60 pounds.  I am exercising and eating healthier.  I still have a LONG way to go in being the person I want to be, but I know I'll get there.

I want this for others, and I need to learn that I cannot fix everyone’s situation.  I can only do what God gives me the resources and time to do.  And if God does not respond to a situation the way I believe He should, it is because He has a much better plan in mind.

Let go and let God.  I’m learning to do that…and when I stop trying to butt in, perhaps I will see some of the miracles God has in mind to help the ones that I cannot help.
                                                             Cheryl A. Williams, 2015

Friday, May 15, 2015

Smiles at Work

I love seeing people smile.  I think that's one thing I love about my job.  The people I work with are amazing.  Not a day goes by where I am not laughing or smiling at something a co-worker does or says.  Sometimes it is just a look that says it all.  We all have a commonality of experiences that we share working in a retail environment.  There are the customers who are regulars, the customers who appreciate us, and the customers who give us lots of good stories to share with each other.

For all of the aspects of my job that I don't particularly care for, I will say that my fellow team members make it all worthwhile.  They make the long days a bit shorter, and for that I am very appreciative.  It is because of this that I strive to be a positive, smiling face at my job. After all, if we can all make each other smile...the world will be a tiny bit better...:)

Friday, April 3, 2015

Good Friday Reflections

Today is Good Friday, the day that Jesus Christ was crucified, taking upon Himself the sins of all mankind.  He loved mankind so much that he was willing to be tortured and crucified.  His death was not pretty.  It was sheer agony.  Imagine having huge nails hammered through your wrists and ankles.  Imagine what it must have felt like just hanging this way for hours struggling and gasping for each breath.  Yet even in His agony, he cried out "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."

What love.  When I reflect on Jesus's death, I think of my many sins and how they were nailed to that cross with Jesus.  I gave my heart to the Lord when I was 15 years old. The years have deepened my love for Him.  Despite falling away from Him more than once, He still holds His arms wide open for me.  Not only does He welcome me back, He actually has chased me down when I was running away from Him.

You see, once you are His, you belong to Him for eternity.  He will come and get you if you get lost or afraid or start to have questions  He will help you find your way back to Him.  I can't imagine NOT wanting to be loved that way.

Still, there are skeptics.  There are those who laugh and mock the fact that Jesus died for them.  My heart breaks for these people, and what they are missing.  They are missing a one on one intimate relationship like no other.  They are missing out on love like they have never experienced.  They are missing out on eternal life that is offered only through Jesus Christ.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Do You Believe in Miracles?

I've been thinking a lot lately about miracles.  Some people believe in them.  Others don't.  I have to admit that I'm a believer.  Not only have I witnessed several miracles, I have heard eyewitness accounts of miracles that have no other other explanation.

There are a lot of miracles in the Bible.  Jesus healed lepers, the blind, the crippled, the demon-possessed. His first miracle was turning water into wine,  He also turned a few loaves and fishes into enough to feed thousands and still have more left over.  He brought Lazarus back to life after he had been dead in the tomb for several days.  Still, in our humanity, there is something about us that makes us skeptical.  Why is it easier for us to look for a scientific explanation rather than look to an Almighty God who created the universe and everything in it?  Why is it so difficult for us to believe that an omnipotent Father could love us enough to perform a miracle in our lives?

Personally, I think it all comes down to the negativity of the society that we live in.  We are constantly bombarded with the negative.  If you don't believe me, turn on the news or flip through the channels.  Listen to the music on the radio.  Peruse social media.  The world is a scary place if that is what we choose to focus on.

The truth is that the media fill us with propaganda the same way that North Korea fills its citizens with propaganda. It is a different kind of propaganda, but the effect is much the same.  We are taught to live in fear and distrust as a means of supporting decisions our government makes that we might otherwise disagree with.  The government is becoming more and more intrusive in our lives.

The more we depend on our government, the less we depend on God.  The more we wait for the government to make our lives better, the less we depend on God's helping hand.  As for miracles, they seem like more of a fairy tale.

The truth is that miracles are happening every day in countries all over the world.  The mainstream press never reports on them, however.

I have personally been physically healed after praying for God's healing hand. I saw my daughter and my son physically healed as babies after my husband and I prayed.  I saw my 2 year old daughter snatched from certain death by an "angel" who was there one moment, and gone in the blink of an eye.  I have heard eyewitness accounts of terminal cancer being healed, and of addictions being healed.  I have heard eyewitness accounts of God's protection in the face of certain death.  I have heard eyewitness accounts of terrorists giving their hearts to the Lord after witnessing the Christian courage of prisoners who had the conviction to witness to their captors in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Think about your own life.  Do you believe in miracles?  I mean....truly believe?  Perhaps it is time to expand your faith in God, and ask, expecting to receive.  Does God always answer the way we would like for Him to? No.  God sees the big picture that we do not see.  We can rest assured in the fact that His answer is always the best...even if we many not see it right away.

                                                         Cheryl A. Williams, 2014

Saturday, January 31, 2015

My True Love Story

There was a woman who was broken from years of sexual abuse.  She was insecure, filled with shame, and suffered from low self-esteem.  She looked to food for love, and hid behind the weight that began to pile on.  It was her way of protecting herself from more pain.

She looked for love in many ways, but none of those reached the deepest recesses of her heart.  She tried to fill that emptiness as she could, but they were only temporary fixes for the hole inside of her heart.

Through it all, however, she could feel the hand of God protecting her, guiding her to a better place in her life.  No matter how low she sank, God would always find her and pull her back up.  When she sank again, His hand was there reaching....pulling her back into the light.  Even when she tried to go in  directions that led her away from God, He passed her by and was waiting at the destination for her...protecting her from harm.  He brought people into her life in the middle of her direst circumstance to support her, love her, and help her to grow.

She saw doors open that she had never even knocked upon except for deep in her heart.  She saw circumstances that were painful turn into reasons for rejoicing.

She came to expect miracles in her life.

She began to wonder why God would waste his time on someone like her.  Perhaps, in the eyes of God, she WAS loveable...she WAS beautiful....she WAS worthy.  Tears streamed down her face at the realization that the hole in her heart had finally been filled.  Her search for love was over.  The love she had found was a love that was 100% unconditional.  She did not have to be perfect in order to have this love.  He loved her in her brokenness, and in that brokenness she found her healing.

This woman is me, and this is why I believe in God and His healing love and power.  I don't need scientific proof, for the proof is in my heart.  I may not always be able to answer the questions that skeptics have, but I KNOW.  I  know He is alive as surely as I know that I am alive.  Not only is He alive, He is Love.  People search for love in so many ways.  They go through life looking for anyone or anything to make them feel alive, worthy, and loved.  They turn to drugs, alcohol, video games, sex, shopping, food...all temporary fixes for a heart that is meant for so much more.

God is the answer to a hurting heart.  God is the Love you are looking for.

                                                           Cheryl A. Williams, 2013

Saturday, January 24, 2015

An Epiphany for Me

Sometimes life throws us a curve ball, and though painful, it forces us to reflect on our life and the choices we have made.  

Lately, I've been experiencing a lot of different emotions and thoughts about my life.  First of all, I have always had a longing deep inside that there is something more for me.  Don't get me wrong.  I'm content.  I have a good life.  I'm making my way in this world.  Still, I believe God is calling me to something more.

For a long time, I have felt that God called me to be a writer.  I still believe that, but not in the same sense that I used to believe.  I used to have lofty dreams of writing the next best seller.  To tell the truth, I have never really cared about money or fame or any of that.  My main goal when I write anything is that what I write might touch or inspire someone else.  So I've been trying to focus more on writing helpful articles or stories.

But there's more.  I have also come to the realization that I often use my writing as a crutch for avoiding my life or for making me feel important.  I did it as a teenager.  I remember walking up and down the halls carrying my book of poetry I had written.  People thought I was cool because i wrote poetry, and that is really all I had in the area of "cool" going for me.  These days  I have another job working in a cafe.  I love the people, but don't really like the job. It just isn't me.  If anything I feel like I'm just contributing to the obesity of America.  I try and be nice and friendly and helpful to customers, but that is the only satisfaction I get from the work.   I do a good job.  I'm efficient.  I'm a good trainer.  Still, I believe I have more to offer the world. 

 THUS comes my reply when anyone asks me what I do for a living.  Do I say "I'm a Cafe Worker"?  Of course not.  I say I'm a "WRITER".  I mean, it sounds so much more glamorous and important than being a cafe worker.  Nobody knows what I much I've written....or how much money I've made.  It has an air of mystery about it, and it makes people respond by saying "Wow.  How cool.  What do you write?"  Again, it makes me feel important for all of the wrong reasons.

The truth is, I've had a lot of short stories, poems, and articles published.  I have published three books.  I've made very little money, however, and imagining I might live on any of my earnings from what I've written is pretty funny.

Which brings me to my new epiphany.  I feel like God is calling me to do some kind of mission work.  This isn't really new.  As a child I wanted to be a missionary.  I even had a scrapbook of places I wanted to go and people I wanted to help.  I married a man whose greatest desire was to dooverseas mission work, but our finances never allowed it.  A part of me believes that I need to carry out what God placed on both of our hearts.  I'm  not sure when or where.  I've always had a desire to be a Red Cross Disaster Volunteer as well....whether in America or overseas.  Perhaps God can use my writing skills, and my singing skills in mission work someway.  I'm open to His guiding hand...and I know if He wants me to do this, He will open doors for me.  I just need to pray, have faith, and walk through each door He opens.  

Thursday, January 8, 2015

A Difficult Day

Today I went to the hospital with a friend who was having an x-ray done.  A flood of memories came washing over me.  You see...the last time I was in this hospital was to say goodbye to my husband of 33 years.

It was as if it had just happened yesterday.  The call...the panic...the fear in my heart.  Rushing down the long hospital corridor to the door to his corner room in the ICU...and seeing him hooked up to machines, unresponsive.  Seeing the fear in my children's faces...hearing the Dr. say "It doesn't look good.  He probably will not live through the day"....

And then, a week later...after being tested to see if his brain was still alive....The Dr and nurses coming into the room with the family.  They began closing the blinds in the room, and I knew. Without a word being said, I knew.  He was gone.

The rest of the night is a blur.  I remember prayers being said as all of his closest friends and family surrounded the bed where he lay.  I remember talking to organ donation people.

I remember....

I remember how bipolar disorder ripped my husband from my life.  I HATE bipolar disorder.  It took a loving, kind-hearted, Christian man and stole so many precious lovely moments from him.  Because of it, he gave up on our marriage.  Because of it, he gave up on himself and his dream of doing mission work to help starving people overseas. He gave up on his dream of being a grandfather one day.

Because of it, he has missed so many beautiful moments.  He has missed the moments of watching his youngest son join the U.S. Navy where he serves in Japan.  He has missed seeing his daughter move into a great house in a nice neighborhood near friends and find love....and seeing his oldest son excel at his job, part-time business, and marriage.  He has missed seeing me publish the book that would not have been possible without him believing in me and supporting me in an advanced publishing course that I took.

I have so many wonderful memories of Bob.  Still, bipolar disorder is always lurking around the corner, interjecting the moments that were painful, at times angry.  I wish I could convince every person who suffer from bi-polar disorder to take their medication, to seek therapy...and to never give up.

Today was hard.  I felt my husband's presence in those hospital corridors, and I remembered the anguish of losing him.  I would not wish that kind of day on anyone.