Monday, December 29, 2014

Attacks on Police Officers Must Stop

It is time for the attacks on police officers to stop.  Protest is one thing.  Assault and murder are an entirely different issue.  Don't you understand that when you use violence on police officers, you are giving credence to the very stereotypes that you are trying to get rid of?

If you want to be treated with respect, treat others with respect.

If you don't want to be treated like a hoodlum, then don't act like one.

If you want peace, stop being violent.

If you hate racism, stop blaming other races for every problem in your life.  Accept responsibility for your station in life, and CHANGE it.

If you don't want to be labeled based on what others in your race have done, then stop labeling all police officers based on what other police officers have done.

Right now minorities feel threatened by the police.
Police feel threatened by minorities.

Who can change that?  You can.  Not by guns.  Not by threats.  All you are doing is escalating the problem.

If you REALLY care about your community, then make a call for peace...and live in a peaceful manner.

And remember that the police officers are here to protect all of us. They have done so for me many times, and I thank God for them.  They have helped my family when we were victimized, and they have helped others I know when they were victimized.

They deserve better.  They don't deserve to be gunned down for absolutely no reason.  They don't deserve to be the the topic of all of the negative rhetoric...all of the calls for violence.

I pray for all police officers and their families.  I also pray for those who are choosing to live a life fueled by hate.  Only God can change their hearts.

1 comment:

  1. Amen.
    Cops are definitely not the problem in America today.
